If Growing up with four brothers taught me anything is was to have fun in everything that you do. And in this photoshoot we did exactly that. Nothing in the life is catered to go your way or happen in a fashion that is always going to make you happy. So why not have the most fun you can?!
I was inspired by another photographer who shall remain anonymous in his photos of people doing things in a free form/flowing type of way. Doing it in suits with guys in no shirts was my spin on it, and this lovely woman was a late addition that ended up being one of the highlights of this photoshoot.
The woman above is named Zara. She is an amazing creative and person who is see a-lot of potential as far as her growth in modeling, creative directing and her photography (hopefully).
She said "Last week I finally decided to get out of my comfort zone and get in front of the camera. Working on my confidence is something I’ve made a top priority this year and I’m blessed to have such a talented friend @trevonmac1 help me out. Here’s to breaking more boundaries".
That gave more confidence and assurance in my purpose more than she may realize. She did an amazing job and we will definitely be making more stuff soon.
From this, I learned the true value of photography is not the picture itself but the story in what comes from it and the story that it will tell in the future. Purpose has no value without direction. SO if you have a friend who wants to do something and you have the opportunity to be apart in any way.
Do it.
If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. – Maya Angelou